For Education

High School Placement

This report is suitable for admission and transfer to secondary school in the U.S. If you haven’t finished your high school education and are looking to complete your high school diploma in the US, this option is for you.


Transcript Evaluation for International Students

ERES offers transcript evaluation services for international students. Our experienced team assesses and equates foreign transcripts to their US equivalency, providing students with a clear understanding of their educational achievements. 

Whether you’re applying to US colleges/universities, seeking professional licensing, or exploring employment opportunities, our reliable evaluations will help you navigate the process. ERES is your trusted partner in transcript evaluation, ensuring your international education is recognized and valued in the United States.

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Higher Education

This educational evaluation report is suitable for admission and/or transfer credit to an educational institution. If you have finished high school or above and are looking to continue higher education, this foreign education credential evaluation service option is for you.

General Required Documentation

*You must submit an application and obtain a reference# before sending ERES any documents for academic credential evaluation services. We are not responsible for any documents that arrive without a reference#.

For authentic credential evaluation reports and transcripts of higher education, ERES requires a precise, accurate, word by word translation for each document submitted in a language other than English.

List of acceptable translations:

  • Translation from an ATA member
  • School-issued official Translation
  • Translation from a professional translator or translation agency

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